Sorry SMS (A to Z SMS)

1:- I am sorry to be smiling every time U R near…… I am SORRY my eyes twinkle whenever u R here….. I am sorry that cup Id h@s made his hit…. i am sorry i Love U I can’t help it…..

2:- I Know How Angry You Are … & What You Must Be Going Through So i Hope , You Know How Sorry I Am For All That Happens Between Us … Please Forgive Me

3:- Saying sorry is the purest cure of all heart aches and heart breaks. Admit yourself that you have done wrong and say sorry. It works!

4:- Don’t compromise what you want the most for what you want nowt that after you have to be sorry

5:- I am ashamed for what I have done. I don’t have any excuses. I take responsibility for myself and my actions. I wouldn’t pawn this off on anybody. I am sorry

6:- Refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison;
And waiting for the other person to die.
I am Sorry!

7:- If tomorrow never comes, I am sorry for all the mean things I might have said. I am sorrt for all the things I did or did not do. I just want to say I love you.

8:- A Good Apology has 3 Parts – 1) Im Sorry.. 2) It’s my Fault.. 3) How do I make it right? well.. unfortunately, A Lot of people usually miss the 3rd part..

9:- Sorry you cant DEFINE me, sorry I break the mould. Sorry that I SPEAK my mind, sorry I dont do what I am told. Sorry if I dont fake it, sorry I am too REAL.

10:- SORRY Dont get confused, arey baba "SORRY" means S - SOME O - ONE"S R - REALLY, R - REMEMBERING Y - YOU.

11:- I am Sorry Of Being So Emotional. I am Sorry Of Being So Possessive. I am Sorry That I Cry For You. I am Sorry Because I Cant Live Without You.

12:- I am so so so sorry!
Please forgive me for I shall certainly to mend myself!

13:- Appologising Doesnt Mean That You Are Wrong And The Other Is Right. It Only Means That You Value The Relationship Much More Than Your Ego

14:- Never be too proud to apologies. A heartfelt “I am sorry” can solve most of our problems. It’s really true… Don’t let ego get in the way..

15:- I know I am not a perfect friend, but Your broken heart I have tried to mend. Instead of making you sad and cry, I prefer to say goodbye. I am sorry!

16:- The word SORRY is OVERUSED by Me and UNDERUSED by You. How about we both call it even and move on? I love you.

17:- Darling I am Sorry For The Tears You Shed. And believe me I am Sorry For The Damage I Made. Promise this wont happen again.
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18:- Sorry May Have Become
“Just Another Word”,
But With T E A R S It Means The World.

19:- Words will not be able to ever express how sorry I am for this and I have a lot of regret and sorrow for the multitude of mistakes and harm I have caused.

20:- Sorry A Special SORRY for You! Please Excuse My All Mistakes Before END OF 2016 And Get Ready in 2018 New Mistakes! Because I Can’t Be Change!

21:- Keep Courage In Whatever You Do. Do Not Feel Sorry For Yourself. You Will Win In A Great Age Of Opportunity.

22:- I m sorry you are wiser, I m sorry you are taller; I liked you better foolish, and I liked you better smaller.

23:- Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could have.

24:- I am sorry for being jealous. It s just that I m afraid of losing the best thing to have ever happened to me.

25:- The best kind of relationship in the world is the one in which a sorry and a smile can make everything back too normal again

26:- I know I was wrong and inappropriate that time, but you know I honestly did not mean to hurt you in any way. Please forgive me!

27:- Saying Sorry is not only admitting the mistake. It is surrendering to the love, affection, respect and caring from the bottom of the heart for someone special. Sorry for hurting you!

28:- You d love yourself even after committing so many mistakes. Please replicate it when it comes to me also. I am sorry!

29:- I feel sorry for people who don t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that s as good as they are going to feel all day.

30:- Saying Sorry may have become just another Word ; but with tears in eyes, it means the World to everybody! I am sorry

31:- I can t pretend to be impartial about the colours. I rejoice with the brilliant 1st, and I m genuinely sorry for the poor browns.

32:- What I did was foolish and totally impulsive. If I could take it all back, I d do this so instantly. I honestly didn t mean to hurt you in any way. I m sorry for bothering you!

33:- I m sorry may not mean the much to you, but it means a lifetime of our relationship to me! Please forgive me?

34:- I am sorry for being selfish. However, I can t help it, and I want you just to myself. Please be my love, my lifelong companion!

35:- Sorry is not just a word to say; it is an expression to express for an unfortunate event that experienced. I am so sorry!

36:- True saying. One minute of your angriness, you lost 60 seconds of happiness. Please forgive me, be happy always!

37:- An apology doesn t mean that you were wrong, or the other person was right. It means that your relationship is valuable than your ego.

38:- I will do anything any everything just to take away all the hurt that you feel. Please forgive me and let me things straight. I m sorry!

39:- I am humiliated my best and dear friend, that I have hurt your first time in my life. I am very sorry for this please forgive me.

40:- I m sorry to be smiling every time you re near. I m sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you re here. I m sorry that cupid has made his hit. I m sorry I love you, I can t help it.

41:- I took for granted all our smiles, laughs, and memories; I promise I ll never do it again because they mean the world to me. Sorry!

42:- SORRY. SORRY. SORRY.SORRY. Dont get confused ,Aray Baba SORRY means: S->Some, O->One Is, R->Really, R->Remembering Y->You... Have A wonderful day..


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